Categories» Website ServicesDesign PortfolioMaking YOU the WebmasterManaging your Email AccountsEcommerce Templates TipsAbout » All Pages Published23rd April 2024Facebook LIKE button no longer supportedI regret to advise that Facebook have announced that they will no longer support the "Like" button plugin due to issues relating to consent. Customers may have noticed that clicking the "Like" button on their webpages now results in a Gray Rectangle, indicating an Error.Right-click on the Gray Rectangle, click Inspect, then select the Console tab to see the Error message which says:Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.Visit the Facebook Like Button - Social Plugin webpage to read their statement saying "We will no longer support the 'Like' and 'Comment' Social Plugins" in certain circumstances relating to Consent."I have Google Searched that error message to find numerous posts seeking a solution, without success. It appears that privacy issue standards today have affected the functionality of all Facebook Plugins to the extent that they are no longer worth using.Therefore, I will now remove the Facebook "Like" and "Share" button integration from all I.T.ZAP website builds. There will be no charge for this code alteration.You can still Copy CTRL+C and Paste CTRL+V a website page URL into a Facebook Post as usual to encourage clicks and drive traffic to that webpage.« Previous | Next » 117 Princes Highway Lucknow Victoria 3875 AU +613 499 347 269 $399 to $1,500 Gary Flack